Coffee Tasting 101

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Have you ever noticed the wide variety of blends, roasts and flavors available at coffee shops? How are you supposed to decide which type of fresh brew to get?

For starters, knowing the roasting processes and drying methods with each bean is important when choosing the right cup for you.

The lighter the roast, the stronger the flavors and the higher caffeine content. As the roasts get darker, the amount of caffeine lessens, and each individual flavor is harder to distinguish.

Next, it is important to note the origin of the coffee, either being single-origin or blend. The origin is an incredibly influential factor in the tasting process.

Roasters make coffee blends in order to have the best possible taste, and some beans have a better taste when combined with others to mix flavors. Typically, it’s easier to taste each distinct flavor in a cup of single-origin coffee.

Despite this, some beans mix well together and create individual, delicious flavors that make for a wonderful drink.

When tasting coffee, there are a few “base standards” that can be used to help when tasting. For example, when you focus on the level of sweetness in the drink, you can identify what is the source of the sugary flavor, allowing you to notice the other flavors.

The bean processing method has a large influence on the taste as well. Typically, when the wet-process is used, the beans are more flavorful, having a stronger fruity taste. Contrasting this is the dry-process method, causing the beans to have a more unique, distinct flavor that is significantly denser.

These tactics will help you taste all of the wonderful flavors in your next cup of coffee!

McConn Coffee